Advanced Image Management delivered cost effectively at scale.


Quru Image Server makes it easy to manage thousands of images at the same time across any device. Consumers quickly abandon websites that don’t meet their high expectations and brands that sell a high number of products or manage significant collections, have to manage very large numbers of images every day. If the images are not crystal clear on any device, customers will move on and opportunities will be lost. 

Managing large numbers of images is challenging – the mix of formats, shapes, resolutions, devices – and can be expensive. Bonhams, a world leading fine art and antiques auctioneer, manage their library of 1M+ images using QIS to replace existing systems that were defeated by the scale of the challenge. 

QIS ensures you deliver the best brand image experience to your customers every time and on any device. It has been designed to meet the needs of brands with thousands of images needing to be changed frequently.

It is a stand-alone, open source based solution that cuts the time and cost of managing and manipulating thousands of images every day.  QIS makes it easy to take a single image and adapt it for multiple use. It can take a fully colour managed high-res image, ready for high quality printing, down to a thumbnail for use on a smartphone - instantly.  Better management of HTML 5 responsive images  With QIS it’s easy to manage HTML 5 images without having to manually resize or store multiple versions of the same image.  Simply upload a single high resolution image and instruct the browser to download whichever image is appropriate for the size of device. Using different URLs, you can then request scaled and cropped versions without any modifications to the original image. 

QIS - Advanced responsive image manipulation and management 


Colour management



Storage & Security

Reporting & Support



“QIS has transformed the way we manage our images. It saves us time and money and helps us to deliver a better customer service”  Bernadine Brocker, Founder & CEO, 

“We manage thousands of images every hour! Our auctions depend on high quality images of what we are selling on behalf of our clients on  every device. QIS helps us to achieve this in a timely and cost  effective way”  Peter Gadsby, Catalogue Production Manager,

About Quru

Quru was a market leader in the technical development, deployment and support of Linux and open source solutions that help organisations to reduce costs and increase operational agility and capability. It also developed multiple award-winning software solutions ranging from mobile phone apps to global enterprise systems.

Quru ceased trading in 2020.